Dear Younger me- Anna Blanton

Dear Younger Me,
You sought purpose, but what you really desired was to belong to One greater. You chased fulfillment in the doing but neglected to rest your soul in Christ. You lacked direction, but His plan for you was established long before breath filled your lungs. If only you rested your searching soul in the steadfast love of the Lord.
A little older me
His Purpose Above All

Before You Do, Be by Victoria James

n our uniqueness, each of us shows a side of God's face when we begin to be. Before we are anything, we are a child of God, fully accepted and loved.

My prayer is that you come to know that your destiny isn't what you do; it is who you are becoming. I pray you come to see that truth, that witnesses to others the goodness of God through simply being who we were created to be.

Hope on This Side of Heaven

Romans 8:18 has been an encouraging reminder that I have a continual choice. I can fix my eyes on the suffering or fix my eyes on the eternal. I can fix my heart on what is temporarily painful or I can fix my heart on the eternal promise of His glory being revealed. The eternal hope we have in Jesus doesn’t take away or neglect the temporary suffering we will experience on earth, but it does provide us an unwavering hope to anticipate despite anything we face on this side of Heaven.

Wait, you too?

The devil has NO control over you, if you have a secret sin inside of you that is burning you down, and weighing you down from living out your FULL God given potential. Then today is your day to live out James 5 and confess your sin, and bring it into the light. I grew up in the church and the term “confess your sin” always had a weird sitting with me because it made me feel like I was burdened and less like this is going to FREE you. If you grew up in a church that you feel like confession is something that will hurt you more than heal you, I am here to tell you that is NOT what Jesus died on the cross for. He died for you to take steps every day with a distinct JOY that is only carried by the freedom held in Jesus.

Staying Firm In Faith

Freedom takes perseverance, perseverance propelled by courage, empowerment, and the power of the Holy Spirit. You will not always be motivated to do what is good and what is right in the eyes of Lord. You will not always be motivated to do what is good and right for your life, but God reminds us in his word that we reap what we sow.

The Glory of the Incarnation

Filling the kettle to boil water for our french press, I twisted my neck back and forth. Each time I stretched it one direction, my muscles pulled in the other. I put the kettle on the heat, my stomach growled.
Morning moments can be incredibly human. We wake to the day with a reminder of what it means to be created creatures.

You are my Sunshine

If you are feeling overwhelmed or trapped in the storm, take a brief pause. Remember the source of light. Focus on what brings light to your life, pursue that -Written by @passiontoproclaim